CPA REG Exam Preparation
preetysaifu > 12-16-2021, 02:11 PM
The CPA exam is a difficult test. It's so hard, in fact, that there are only one-third of the people who attempt it each year who actually pass. That means the odds are stacked against you when you try to get your license. However, if you're willing to invest time and effort into preparing for this test, then you can increase your chances of passing with an excellent score.
For the past three years, cpa regulation exam has had the second highest CPA Exam pass rate. The cumulative REG pass rate rose steadily from 2018 to 2020, where it peaked at 62%. From 2012 through 2017, it stayed consistently around 50%, sharing the second and third positions with AUD. FAR had the lowest pass rate in 2020 at 50%, and BEC had the highest at 65%. The exact pass rates shift a bit from year to year, but the CPA Exam sections’ relative difficulty has followed that dynamic for the past several years.
Most REG testlets include operational and pre-test questions. Operational questions count toward your total exam score, and pre-test questions do not. That said, you can’t tell which questions are which so don’t waste any valuable testing time trying to decide whether you can afford to skip a question!